
Showing posts from June, 2022


 Ibn Rushd (1126A.D-1198AD) Abu walid Muhammad Ibn Rushd was born in 1126 A.D in Cordova,Spain,and in one of the greatest thinker and scientist of all time .Ibn Rushd 's education was traditional ,beginning with studies in Hadiths ,linguistics , jurisprudence,and scholastics theology.However,living in the 12 th century Islamic Spain ,he set out to integrate the Greek philosopher Aristotle's philosophy with Islamic  thought .A common thought through out his writing is that there is no contraction between religion and philosophy when both are properly understood. His contribution to philosophy range from his detailed commentaries on Aristotle, his defense of philosophy against the attack of those who condemned it as different to Islam. Throughout his life he wrote extensively on philosophy and religion,attributes of God ,origin of the Universe ,physcology, philosophy and law and as result got the nick name " the jurisprudent philosopher" . The role of the philosopher in...


 IBN BATTUTA (1304A.D-1368A.D) Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Battuta,was born in Tangier ,Morocco ,on the 24th of February in 1304A.D(703Hijra) during the time of the  Marinid Dynasty.He was a Moroccan Muslim scholar and traveller ,who is known from his travelling and going on long leisure trips called the Rihla .He received his education in Islamic law but then he choose to travel instead of practicing law. He reconized the advantages of international travel and spent almost his entire life travelling and hise journey lasted for a period of almost thirty years. After the completion of journey in 1355A.D,little else is known about Ibn Battuta's life.He was appointed a judge in Morocco and later died in 1368A.D. During those times of no internet and no communication technology, Ibn Battuta helped exchange cultural and geographical information which aided in understanding cultures and diversity and encouraged other people to explore the world.

Golden Age Of Islam

  Ibn Sina(980A.D-1037A.D) This great scientist was born around 980 in the village of Afshana, near Bukhara (Uzbekistan) which is also his mother's home town.His father,Abdullah and advocate of the Ismaili sect,was from Balkan(now Afghanistan) Ibn Sina received his early education in his home town .He has memorized Quran by heart,Hafiz-e-Quran. During the next few years he devoted himself to Muslim Jurisprudence,Philosophy and Natural Science and studied logic. Ibn Sina's contribution ranged from medicine,Psychology and Pharmacology to geology,Physics , Astronomy,  chemistry and Philosophy.He was also a poet, Islamic scholar and a theologian. His most important contribution to medical science was his famous book  Al Qanun, known as the canon in the West .This book is an immense encyclopedia of medicine including over a million words . It comprises of the entire medical knowledge available from ancient and Muslim source .He died in June 1037 A.D and was Buried in Hamadan...


 Salahudin AYYUBI , Pope Urban II and Richard the Lion Heart ◾The king of Egypt and Syria Sultan Salahudin Ayubi , or simply Saladin as the west would call him ,was the king of Egypt and Syria. He was one of the gentlest hearted Muslim Leaders, Salahudin Ayyubi became one of the world's greatest  wariors by defeating crusaders and capturing the holy city of Jerusalem. He  is remembered by Muslims as well as  Non-Muslim as a kind hearted in-selfish Warrior. He was a religious person and followed the teaching of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad's teaching regarding war . He treated all his prisoners with respect and dignity ; no torture , mass killing , took place during his time . It is equally true that his generosity ,his piety won him no less popularity in Frankish Syria than in the lands of Islam. And unlike all others Sultan's he did not build a single Palace or any building for  himself yet he constructed mosques,hospitals and universities for his Muslim ...