Ibn Rushd (1126A.D-1198AD)

Abu walid Muhammad Ibn Rushd was born in 1126 A.D in Cordova,Spain,and in one of the greatest thinker and scientist of all time .Ibn Rushd 's education was traditional ,beginning with studies in Hadiths ,linguistics , jurisprudence,and scholastics theology.However,living in the 12 th century Islamic Spain ,he set out to integrate the Greek philosopher Aristotle's philosophy with Islamic  thought .A common thought through out his writing is that there is no contraction between religion and philosophy when both are properly understood.

His contribution to philosophy range from his detailed commentaries on Aristotle, his defense of philosophy against the attack of those who condemned it as different to Islam.

Throughout his life he wrote extensively on philosophy and religion,attributes of God ,origin of the Universe ,physcology, philosophy and law and as result got the nick name " the jurisprudent philosopher" . The role of the philosopher in the state was topic of continual interest for Ibn Rushd.

At the age of 25 ,Ibn Rushd conducted astronomical observation in Morocco , during which he discovered a previously unobserved star.He was also of the view that the Moon is opaque and obscure ,and has some part , which are thicker than other .Ibn Rushd died in Marakesh in 1198 A.D where he was Buried . 


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